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Feng Shui Your Desk

What Does Your Desk Say About You?

Believe it or not, you can tell a lot about a person by how they keep their desk area and work zone. Not surprisingly, those who have scattered papers, lack a clear filing system and work in a bleak, or stark setting may very well experience poor clarity, drive and even inspiration! Good Feng Shui can help, moreover it has a way of transforming one's career goals inline with a clearer path to get there. Focusing on several key factors can determine if your work area is up to par or needs a little Feng Shui! Color and natural elements can bring new life to your office!

Position For Success!

Both the location of the office itself and the location of the desk are most important to start with. If you have a home office like so many these days, separating work time from family time can be especially difficult, as well as added distractions that commonly occur within a household. Ideally, a home office is situated in the North facing area of the home that corresponds with the Bagua. Toward the front of the home is also good for easy access for possible clients and it's easier to detach from work upon entering the main part of the home. A office with a separate entrance, or detached can be hugely beneficial as well. 

The Desk:

The location of the desk is vital to each individual and their inherent needs. While some find it pleasing to enjoy the outside view, others may be inclined to daydream out the window, easily losing train of thought. For this reason their can be slight tweaks with the desk location that can make the room and the view the most advantageous to whom works in the space. I know I love a good view and find inspiration in the outdoors, yet my Son will inevitably glaze over after little time and find it nearly impossible to get back on track with dreams of venturing outdoors flooding his young, energetic mind! 

The Entry & The View:

The main rule to consider is to always position the desk with a view of the entry. It is poor Feng Shui to have your back to an entry. You should always be able to clearly see who is coming and going and not to align the desk  exactly with the opening to the entry door. A balance between a clear sight line to the entry, but not positioned exactly opposite the door is best. Think of how your focus can be maintained for the longevity of a project, yet still finding a certain joy in it all. Pushing that brain muscle to new intriguing places makes for a healthier you and the ability to think for yourself more, finding real answers to problems (sift through all the chatter the World brings and decide what your intuition is telling you is truly reality) and knowing that you can always learn & gain more wisdom every single day! But be sure to be kind to yourself, you do not have to know everything at once, it takes the time it takes, as it should (This is something, even I must remind myself of often). This is one way to reimagine what work can mean and making it not only work for you, but be more meaningful too!

Desk & The Bagua For Happy Chi Flow!

Many may not realize you can easily apply Feng Shui to the desk itself and streamline your desktop in the process. Utilizing the Bagua grid sections, transposed on the top of the desk surface is a simple way to translate the proper placement of the natural elements that can enhance certain desired aspects of work life. Setting your mind on solutions and areas that need attention is the first step, with actions both mentally and physically taken to make changes, you've already set motion to change! Although their are general rules for placement of elements, really good Feng Shui should always be tailored to each person. While one person may want to be more successful (purple area), another may be content with finances and desire more recognition (red area) for success.

feng shui desk bagua locations for elements

Bagua Placement on the Desk


Place the Bagua With the North section directly in front of the seating area (desk chair) and the South lined up to the top of the desk area that faces outward. Each section has added attributes, colors and natural element associations.


Remember to use your intuition, as always and move things around, replace items until it feels right for you. Try adding elements slowly and focus on the things you want to change in your working life, subdue or remain the same. 

Clear Work Space

Depending on the size of your desk and your work requirements the goal is to limit overcrowding. Keep this in mind and make changes as needed. Afterall, you cannot work well on any desk with too little space!

Get Ready to Enjoy Your Desk More & Flourish!

Now, it's time to search out the room and decide the pretty and the practical of it all. 

Here's the steps to take to tackle it the easiest way:

  1. Remove all the clutter & deep clean the space. Dust from top (even light fixtures & ceiling fans, window sills, etc.).

  2. Open windows for fresh air and natural light to enter, immediately adding fresh energy to your space. 

  3. Take a moment for positive intention by setting a fresh perspective for change and light a candle or smudge the space. When done take care to monitor, or safely put out any flames.

  4. Position the desk location in the best advantage point for your specific needs, choose from our chart above. Make sure it is the right size to suit your needs with a supportive chair that has a sturdy backing.

  5. Assess if you are lackingvital organization. Do you need storage solutions? If so, shelving, filing cabinets, storage baskets, bins and upright trays are very handy options. 

  6. Consider the walkaround... Shelving and storage can be added in handy areas around the room, but make sure they do not impede on being able to move freely around your desk space. 

  7. Do you need a multi-purpose office space? If so, a screen divider is a great way to divide the space and maintain sections with good flow. Maintain boundary areas can even be achieved with rug placement, potted plants, or a piece of furniture as a separator.

  8. The essential office stuff! The basics: good task lighting, printer, trash receptacle, writing supplies, office supplies,  create a binder or online folder with schedules, calendar & essential daily tasks & goals.

  9. Great Job! Now, Feng Shui that desk top with your supportive elements, start small and work on this over time, be sure to re-assess from time to time and changeout as needed.

  10. Decorate the room, my favorite part, Woohoo! I can feel the change from here and I am so proud of you & you should be too. You've got good stuff coming your way!

Desk Clutter Fix!

The fastest way to get your desk area cleared off is to organize a proper storage area for it all. Take the time to only keep the necessary items and to categorize them in baskets, bins, file folders and tidy stackable accessories. Avoid the urge to stack piles too high or have too many though, it's symbolic of being bogged down with work and is not good for a clear mind. If you feel like you need to keep say, magazine clippings or other materials then make a special folder and file it. Overall, try to arrange things in a moderately sparse and pleasing manner. This will encourage joy, which you deserve! 

Reimagine Your Desk in a New Office Retreat

Create the best desk activity flow possible. Add supportive surroundings and the right layout, while keeping the room fresh & organized and you will see for yourself a great change!

Mimic Worthy: Cool desk accessories!

Check out Mike Wat on YouTube

Your desk just got even better, with super cool gadgetry, yay!

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