About me
An artist’s call
I grew up with a love of nature, an artist’s calling and the need to redecorate often in my own home. I was naturally drawn to helping others make the most out of their rooms, even in my childhood. Yet, it wasn’t until I learned about Feng Shui that is all became clearer for me!
In our family run home and garden business, I found myself helping clients reinvent their spaces. I thrived on the healing ability a makeover can give! With a design structure that supports aspirations in life, true comfort, personal style and a connection to nature, there’s sure to be great things to come!
“With Feng Shui, I mimic nature’s elements throughout my home to add balance within my living spaces on a deeper level!”
A zest for home decorating
I have always had a zest for home decorating, writing, various artistic endeavors and learning new things. My two quirky, funny, fearless kids inspire me to be the best Mom possible, even on the off days… humor helps! We’re obsessed with our animals- two kitties, and a variety of chickens roaming around outside.
At home, you’ll find me growing our tiny homestead, and spending time with my family, often sitting on the porch. A great cup of tea makes me happy, spotting the local wildlife, and feeling inspired to make things homey are some of my favorite things! I’m a couch moving, paint splattered jeans wearing, pillow fluffing, kind of girl! Drawing on my Feng Shui teachings, infusing natural elements in home décor and living simply are passions of mine. My affinity for growing as much fresh foodies as we can handle, you’ll see and DIYing it from time to time…
I believe a redo of my living spaces, learning something new, and finding ways to stay inspired are all vital to happiness! I look to Feng Shui and each new season for creativity & joy. I Hope you’ll be inspired to try something new with me and I’ll keep trying new things to inspire you!
All the Best,
-Christy Rose

My brand is…
where you’ll see all the things I'm inspired to create!
The things that keep me up at night because I obsess a bit, okay a lot!
And the things that I hope, actually inspire you to
feel closer to nature with a calmer sense of home
and some good ole’ laughter too!