fall diary feng shui

A Special Time of Year

When the temperature drops and the air changes with a special sweetness, it tells me Fall is finally here, I am content. Content to bring out the sweaters, blankets and mugs of cocoa... Heck, I will light my Pumpkin Spice candle with pride and gather up all the Autumn zest I can because I am with kindred spirits in the forest! I walk outside and pick up little treasures from nature just like I did as a kid and still, I will feel the same excitement as ever. Fall has finally arrived! I hope you take time for your connection outdoors to that child-like spirit within! The sensory experience of the Fall colors is uplifting and healing. Fall highlights the array of colors in a sometimes dreary existence. See the colors and know there is so much more left to see. Nurturing can mean many things, it can be about taking care of yourself in ways that once felt selfish. There should be a time for pampering and knowing you are worth it. To nurture an idea or a goal is to let it grow in the ways it naturally flows and to not stifle it. Nurturing can also be about perspective and realizing it's a choice to spread a negative message or a good one. Sometimes the messages we are telling ourselves even become a way of life, possibly unintentional and antiquated. My hope is for reflection to find the poor ways that we carry negativity and to nurture a path that demonstrates goodness and kindness in the world. Reflection is transformative, but not always fun. Fall is a kind of quick change in nature, the colors transitioning one from the other. It helps me visualize my own goals and the things that drive me to want to do better and be better.


Fall Feng Shui Elements

for Home Decorating


I feel grateful

I feel grateful looking back, as I am hard on myself, never thinking I've accomplished enough in a day. Yet, the Autumn breeze speaks a calming breath that makes me feel grateful and helps me see there is a timing for everything...Love is the most special thing of all. If we can love others so strongly, then why is it often hard to love ourselves? Or vice versa? It's taken me years to come full circle, always thinking I can do more, be more... Yet, all those superficial things do fall away and older age shows the real beauty has always been there to love.I think change is one of the hardest things to do. Clarity can come just before change, through it, or even after. With clarity linked to change in a powerful way, the idea that new things and new ways of thinking are bad is just not so. Moreover, making a decision to let the idea of change be a possibility opens up a space for it to be actualized. Fear can squash unrealized dreams, so make sure to be open to new ways that goodness can enter and help you gain fresh clarity!Have you ever watched the thrill children have on their faces when they get their hands in the mud, jump in a puddle or make art with unabandoned zest? It has a way of making you smile, maybe nostalgia or a sense that play time is vital to happiness. No judgy stares or critiques yet to wipe that smile away, nope just pure pleasure in the moment! I think we should all get our hands in the earth, plant a plant today or bring one inside and feel that you just tapped into the root of your own childish grin... The kind you should remember often.

“Fall is a kind of quick change in nature, the colors transitioning one from the other.”

Christy Rose

Feng Shui Practitioner, home decorator/designer, artist, author and natural living blogger.


Decorate Your living Room For Fall


Three Ingredient Easy Skillet Meals