Feng Shui Self-Care & Beauty

Self-care for Health & Beauty With Feng Shui

Want to know more about natural facials, bath bombs, lip care and essential oils? 

Not only that, Feng Shui can even be applied to beauty and health. Many don't realize the powerful benefits of applying Feng Shui principles to their beauty regime. Join us for a customized approach that runs deeper than the usual. Realize your greater potential for Feng Shui style with health and beauty in mind!

Be sure to pair your Feng Shui personality type with the elemental products hand-picked just for you!


How to apply Feng Shui to your beauty regime:

Good Feng Shui skincare has to be suited for each individual. Listening to your intuition, applying natural products and being in that moment with health in mind, is all a huge benefit to you! A key to getting what you specifically need and want is knowing yourself better, look to your strengths and your weaknesses to better determine this. Try infusing these ideas, along with your personality type, as well. Though many of us have qualities with aspects of each element, we all tend to gravitate toward one main archetype. Utilize these ideas in the ways that work best for you. And above all, be kind to yourself!

True beauty starts from within, check your element type!

Adding in a some self-care is essential for overall well-being. With Feng Shui & natural ingredients comes a better you!


Metal Self-care

Metal People are natural, "Organizers," in life

You are rational, strong and enduring. You like competence, organization and a sturdy goal. You are valuable in many ways and must acknowledge that for your inner spirit connectedness. Make sure to schedule in time for relaxing in ways that feel right for you and do not feel guilty for it. You need to rejuvenate because you are such a devoted person.

Devoting time for yourself is the strongest act of health and vitality you can give back: Add wind chimes outside, create a feeling of renewal. Try gold infused masks, jade and metal facial rollers and metal scalp massagers. Keep a lucky coin in your pocket if you are experiencing emotional stress and hold it in your hand, realizing you are connected to something greater, you are not responsible for everything, and the structure of your life will balance. Be proud of all you have accomplished and know the best is within! Know that your prominent element is pure in form, used for centuries by innovative and creative thinkers just like you.

-Work on deep breathing techniques for a stronger immune system

Click & try these hand selected picks!


Wood Self-care

Wood People are natural, "Providers," in life

Feng Shui beauty and selfcare for wood

You are supportive and ever learning. You enjoy growing in knowledge and building on who you are. The ideas you gain builds a stronger foundational core of who you are and where you stand on issues, is key to your contentedness as a person. You will naturally gravitate toward wood colors of greens, yellows and teals.

Gaining a renewed spirit is often felt immersed in nature and you relish looking up at the sky, listening to the trees rustle in the wind and the general sensory experience that comes with it. Try grounding when under stress, rosemary essential oils and Epsom salt is a great addition to the bath. Lemongrass soap gives an energy boost and products with bark extracts like: birch, willow or Thanaka bark ("healing bark"), can all be beneficial to many skin types.  Remember, to open your sense to the experience as well, the aroma of wood and the idea that trees have been in existence for about 370 million years. They carry immense interconnectedness and stability within and that's the best kind of beauty!

Stretch to work on flexibility of thought & body for better overall health.

Fire Self-care

Fire people are natural "Energizers," in life

Fire skincare beauty with feng shui

You tend to be high energy, sometimes as if you are burning at both ends. You’re sure to enliven a gathering and are very enthusiastic. You thrive in high energy and transformative experiences. Make sure to empower your inner-self from time to time, a burnout is inevitable otherwise. You tend to push too far and must take time for yourself. Though you rarely need much, make sure to have calmer moments here and there.

Light candles and reflect. Get get lost in the power of self. Look to the flames to mesmerize and take time to dull the action that is ever-changing within your mind to a calmer place. Consider charcoal infused masks, rich himalayan salt blocks, or vibrant red beet powder products.

Fire can reach up to 9,000 degrees and is a fascinating phenomenon. Its magic is extreme, yet illuminating and very precious. You are aligned with this element for a reason and must remember to value yourself with a humble balance.

-Work on clarifying your needs to others & feel more content.


Earth Self-care

Earth people are natural "Stabilizers," in life

Earth feng shui for beauty

You are strong and constant, a force to be reckoned with! You thrive in dependability and honesty; your integrity is crucial to your ideal self. Look to cherish your qualities more and know that you are enough. Those that know you are inspired by your endurance and steadfastness. You are a grounded personality, but must grasp that you also need strength of renewal from time to time. Look to pottery, earthenware and glass to keep your facial and skincare products  fresh.

Also, remember that yellows, browns and deep terracotta colors are especially uplifting. Take time to nurture with self care. Find beautiful health rituals that include: pumice stones, turmeric root products and deep rejuvenating clay. When not feeling yourself, it’s time to get back to nature. The earth is ever-giving and you will notice your vital energy replenished once you connect back to your prominent elemental source! Open up your experience further by truly immersing yourself and your senses with experiencing the earths bounty. Notice the textures of your products, the earthy smells, and the richness of the earth laced products you choose.

-Work on eating a healthy & balanced diet, regularly.


Water Self-care

Water people are natural "Empathizers," in life

Water personality for beauty

You often are easy going, a "go-with-the-flow" kind of personality. You tend to be introspective and intuitive in nature. You like a serene atmosphere. Add some supportive elements with deep blue hues and blacks. Watching water flow is uplifting and creates a sense of wholeness. Water personalities are very wise, looking to your gut for making wise healthy skincare decisions. If you find you are feeling drained, it is important to fill your spirit back up with that vital water energy.

Replenish by immersing yourself in a mineral bath, or other mineral infused products, such as body lotions. Try shower steamers, or black dead sea mud masks. Shut out any other noises and play ambient rain or waterfall sounds. Water has been on earth for nearly 3.8 billion years, making it a steadfast element to align with.

-Work on getting adequate rest, at least 8 hours every night.

Immerse in the Experience:

Even if you don't have much time, you can try our, "Soothing Yogurt mask." Notice, how it feels for you, cool textures bring calming pleasures. In addition, the color of the mask is a creamy white, for better mental flow. Close your eyes and breathe well, letting vital energy renew. Similarly, When you indulge in our infused water recipes, notice the pleasure of color added to otherwise fairly dull water, the light flavor, fragrance and texture, and the extra zest it brings internally! Take time to enjoy a bubble bath with low lighting, candles and soft music! These simple and easy pleasures are just that, but with Feng Shui principles in mind-they can transform wellness much deeper!

How to easily start with natural esential oils for skincare and beauty:

One of the easiest ways to start working with natural, Feng Shui beauty and self-care is with the boosting benefits of  essentail oils. Because your skin works as a sponge, absorbing daily toxins, it's no wonder it can look less than beautiful at times! Enjoy the uplifting hues your skin can show with purifying the air in your home. Consequently, stagnant air in the home can be a precursor for a host of negative effects. Make sure to add healthy essential oils to your daily self-care, for the skin routine!


start by purchasing an oil diffuser, they come in all sorts of varieties and include many wonderful features to choose from. There are many types that are aesthetically pleasing, candle sconce styles, beautiful wood grain, colored lighting, or vase designs, to name a few. Many have dimming effects and automatic shut offs, as well. I use mine every day, letting the house infuse with a wonderful uplifting aroma that is simply divine! I hope you will incorporate essential oils into your daily practice for energizing and positivity within your home, for it's healthy skin benefits. 

Next, Simple Ideas to Easily add Essential Oils to Your Day:

There are many ways you can use oils and get started very easily! I love to add 5-10 drops to the bath, natural cleaning recipes, faux plants, room sprays, oil diffusers, drier sheets, bed pillows, you name it, there's just so many opportunities to add a spritz here, or there!

Be safe with essential oils:

Always use safety practices first! Pure, undiluted essential oils can be extremely powerful and can cause severe reaction for some. Some have been known to take the finish off of furnishings and essentially, bleach away certain fabrics at full strengh. For best practices, always check the label, and never put full strength varieties directly on the skin, or surfaces. I always dilute mine with carrier oils such as, almond, avocado, olive, coconut, or even distilled water. You can also purchase oils that are already dilluted as well. My favorite brand is Aura Cacia  & I specially love the "Relaxation Kit," it is perfect for traveling with too!

Above all start small, and learn as you go with the benefits you need, and the ways you want to add them into your lifestyle (this is key to the intuitive nature of your personal health with Feng Shui in mind). I hope you enjoy a refreshed complexion!


Essential Oils For Mood Boosting Self-care:

Natural Self- care For the Face:


Soothing Yogurt Mask

This mask is a must for a refreshing and uber moisturizing glow and it's our go-to beauty secret for red or irritated skin! Just make sure to have a towel handy and draped for ease of comfort. It's a bit messy, but SO worth it, enjoy!

DIY, face mask, natural beauty, self-care

Be gentle to your face with the soothing benefits of yogurt, cucumber and aloe. 


What you’ll need

  • mixing bowl

  • blender

  • spoon

  • 1 cup plain yogurt ((Use greek yogurt for a thicker consistency))

  • 1/2 small pickling cucumber, chopped

  • 1 tbsp aloe vera gel


  1. Peel and chop up cucumber

  2. Mix together yogurt, cucumber, and aloe vera gel in blender until smooth

  3. Refrigerate mask for 5-10 minutes to chill and set

  4. Add generously to face and let set for approximately 10 minutes

  5. Rinse with warm water


Be gentle to your face & treat it with care:

With the soothing benefits of yogurt, cucumber and aloe. There's just so much to love! With natural beauty boosting ingredients, comes better self-care choices

Benefits of Yogurt-

Yogurt has lactic acid which has been known to diminish signs of aging by tightening skin and diminishing pores. Suprisingly, yogurt is said to also aid in exfoliation, leaving skin smoother, brighter and more moisturzed. It has been touted to help clear breakouts and reveal more vibrant skin too, fun stuff!

Benefits of cucumbers-

Cucumbers have gentle anti-inflamatory properties, making it an excellent choice for virtually any skin irritation. Furthermore, they have been used widely to soothe tired eyes, burns, rashes and can de-puff as well. Look to cucumber for vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This veggie even boasts vitamin C and folic acid. It's anti-inflamatory benefits claim to diminish dark spots and redness, and it's potent proteins to tighten and smooth the skin. Can we just talk about the fresh fragrance? I've been known to slather cucumber oils on, just to enjoy that special blend of crisp sweetness! And yes, there is such thing as cucumber perfume and fragrant oils. 

Benefits of aloe-

Aloe has been used to treat acne, burns, dry skin, eczema and a host of other skin ailments. High in anti-oxidants, vitamins A & C, and beneficial enzymes, aloe is an amazing skin healer and protectant. Made of of 80% water, it is said to be safe to use daily. Aloe is naturally antibacterial in nature and can help fight germs. It has been shown to diminish dark spots and is also very moisturizing, nice!


Self-care in the bath:


Bath Bombs Recipe

Endulge in a fizzy self-care moment with your own, homemade bath bombs!



  • Mixing bowls

  • Whisk

  • Gloves for sensitive hands

  • Mold, scoops, or an ice cube tray

  • Parchment or wax paper

  • 1 cup Baking Soda

  • 1/2 cup Citric Acid

  • 2 tbsp Epsom Salt

  • 1-2 tsp Water

  • 3 tbsp Coconut Oil

  • 5-10 drops Essential Oils (Try some of our favorites for bath bombs, like: neroli, lavender, geranium rose, or peppermint!)


  1. Combine baking soda, citric acid, and Epsom salt in a bowl and stir until blended

  2. In a seperate bowl, combine coconut oil and essential oils, always remember to be careful with essential oils.

  3. Slowly whisk in the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. The mixture should be clumpy. You may need to add more water until you reach the right consistency of holding a shape well when pressed firmly together, while still being somewhat dry. Practice until you achieve your best ratio.

  4. Shaping your bath bombs are all about your personal preference! You can use fun molds, roll them into round shapes with melon scoopers, ice-cream scoops, or even an ice cube tray.

  5. When you are happy with the size and shapes, be careful to remove each bomb onto wax or parchment paper and let dry for approximately, 6-12 hours. Drying time can vary depending on the size and shapes.

  6. Store your fresh, new bath bombs in airtight containers to maintain their aroma and natural beauty benefits.


I love a good bath time fizz; self-care moment & you’ll love the way your skin feels afterwards!

Also, for natural color additives try these: 

  • Spirulina- green tint

  •  Spices like turmeric- orange tint (can stain, use sparingly).

  •  Herbs- lavender- purple

  • Beet root- pink

Tip: with wet food colorings, be sure to add them to the wet ingredients and with dry food colorants, add them to the dry for the best overall color saturation.

xo mimichouse.com

bath bombs, bath fizzy, DIY, self-care


Self-care For the Lips:

If natural self-care for the skin is what you're after, don't overlook your lips! Lip care can be something many don't put much time into, or any at all, but paying attention to discomfort, discoloration and texture can be telling of a person's overall health, therefore mouthcare is an essential part of vitality and can start with the lips. Sloughing off dried skin, pampering with natural oils, and even tinting can all be beneficial and mood enhancing. A healthier smile is only a couple steps away!


start with a gentle exfoliator like all natural salts, or sugar. Be gentle and avoid any products that irritate, or if you have any broken skin. Exfoliating on healthy lips will help makeup go on smoother and has been known to repel chapped lips.


moisturize with natural, emollients. This will help replenish the lip area, as well as keeping moisture in. Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do to keep lips healthy, make sure to follow to the very end and try our infused water recipes for a great healthy glow, even on your lips! 


add a soft, natural based tint. We've added some great choices for you to try that are on the market. We also have a great, informative video to follow along with by natural & zero waste, making a simple way to try something new with lipcare in the comfort of your own home, enjoy!

Lip care steps: exfoliate, replenish moisture & tint!


1. Mix together 2 tablespoons of fine grain sea salt with 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil.

2. Add fresh citrus zest. You can use lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit. Citrus gives great anti-oxidant qualities and an energizing lift! 

3. Apply and gently rub, sloughing away old skin.

4. Rinse with warm water and store unused portion in an airtight conatiner.

Replenish Moisture:

There are many natural options for bringing moisture back to the lips, such as honey. Interestingly, a small dab of honey can bring back moisture, while sealing it in. It's been used for centuries for it's antibacterial protection, and has been said to heal even lip sores, just don't be tempted to lick it all off! 

Next, coconut oil is an easy go-to for us, not only can you cook with it, treat dry hair, but it is an immediate soothing lip balm that I like to use, all by itself. It's a base to many beauty balms on the market today, but without anything harmful. Containing fatty acids, it's uber soft. So, slather that stuff on and feel the immediate relief from chapped lips. 

Finally, aloe vera is one of our top choices. It's power-packed with 75 naturally occuring beauty boosters, vitamins A, C, E, B12 & folic acid to name a few. With it's many beneficial properties, this gentle gel is ideal for lip health. Touted to bring a pink tone back to the lips with it's skin regenerating qualities, I know I'll be trying that again and again! 

Wow, doesn't that sound great?!

Lip Tint:

There are many lip tints on the market today, but we especially look for gentle, yet effective color boosters! Being a bit of a natural beauty junkie, I look to avoid putting anything harmful on my face and certainly close to my mouth. Further, I don't want a lot of stuff on my face, maybe it's a thing for you too? If it is, lip tints can be great because they feel very light. I especially enjoy making them at home too and knowing exactly what went in every batch, try the recipes from Natural & Zero Waste in the video below!


Amazon Lip Tint Favorites


Mimic Worthy: Lip tint, natural & homemade!

Watch this video from Natural & Zero Waste.

It's the perfect natural ingredients and subtle color, what's not to love?!


Good Feng Shui Self-care & Beauty, Starts From the Inside: Hydrate with Water Infusions!

Water is essential to all living things and in Feng Shui, it's paramount! Feng Shui is, "the way of the wind and the water!" Remember to hydrate often, throughout the day to encourage balance and harmony within. 


Watermelon Refresher


  • 2 cups watermelon cubes, seedless

  • 2 quarts filtered drinking water


  1. Slice the watermelon into small cubes and add to pitcher of water, let sit for 1 hour to chill and infuse properly

  2. Add more watermelon for a stronger flavor

  3. Garnish with mint, strawberries, orange slices, or even cucumber

Cucumber water


1-2 thinly sliced pickling cucumbers

2 Quarts filtered drinking water


  1. Slice cucumbers tiny and add to the 2 quart pitcher of water, let sit for 1 hour to chill and infuse properly.

  2. For a carbonated version, simply replace. the natural drinking water with seltzer. Let 1 quart infuse in the refrigerator and add the additional quart, just before serving.


Take your self-care even further by adding some Feng Shui to your living spaces. Learn easy ways to infuse balance and energy into your home with decorating! 

I hope you see great things happen!

Disclaimer: this post contains my expressed opinions, please use at your own risk. 


This website contains affiliate linked companies (Amazon, ClickBank, ShareASale, Bluehost, Ashe Pro & FlexOffers) that I promote because I use them. I will only share companies that I specifically use and trust, they are also my tried and true, best solutions and insider secrets! I will never charge you any fees associated with the affiliates, but they will help support this website to succeed via qualifying purchases through the links & help you get straight to your own solutions!

Christy Rose

Feng Shui Practitioner, home decorator/designer, artist, author and natural living blogger.


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