The Mimic Blog
Browse through design ideas with a Feng Shui twist, simple dinners, natural living inspiration and ways to practice more self-care. I hope you enjoy some,
“Mimic Worthy Living!”
The Artist’s Nook
The rush of new inspiration is electric, it drives the artist to create - many feverishly. But with a high comes a low, that inevitable rock wall rears its ugly head and absolutely nothing is working…
That Quirky Home Décor
That strange, sometimes ugly home décor piece you hang onto just because... Only you know why. But isn’t that the best of what great conversation pieces are born of?
Tips For Rearranging Your Art
Maybe it's a change in the season, or your older artisan pieces are just not sparking your interest, like they used to. Are you dying to redecorate your collection and showcase that new art find? Join us to recharge and redo your art accents with a touch of Feng Shui!